(347) 906 4156 hello@bnichapter24.com

Leadership Team

Carson Alexander

Vice President
Marc Silverman

Secretary / Treasurer
Deanna Huaman

Membership Committee
David Wald
Gary Cohen
Howard Glick
Justin Waiser

Visitor Host
Akiva Cohen

Visitor Orientation
Mark Chapman

Education Coordinator
Donald Wall

Mentor Coordinator
Gary Cohen

Growth Coordinator
Andrew Yacyshyn

Events Coordinator
Ruth Baumann

Social Media Coordinator
Joan Pelzer

Zoom Slides Manager
Tonja Adair

Website Manager
Marc Silverman

Change your cover photo
Jim Levine
IT & Networks
This user account status is Approved

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Charter Technology Solutions
(914) 330-3154

Our Members

Akiva Cohen

Andrew Yacyshyn
Employment/Labor Law

Avi Ashkenazy
Life and Disability Insurance

Berto Antuñano
Title Services

Bradley Ziegler
Property & Casualty Insurance

Carson Alexander
Residential Real Estate Brooklyn

Charles Ruffin
Commercial Mortgages

Christopher Clark
Estate Planning Law

David Wald
Residential Mortgages

Deanna Huaman
Public Adjuster

Donald Wall
Family Law

Gary Cohen
Fine Jewelry

Greg Cohen
Residential Real Estate Manhattan

Howard Glick
Residential Real Estate Queens

Jarad Siegel
Personal Injury Law

Jesse Gartman
Moving Company

Jim Levine
IT & Networks

Joan Pelzer
Non-Profit Organizations

Jose Abreu
Cleaning Service

Justin Waiser
Real Estate Law

Licelle Cobrador
Immigration Attorney

Marc Silverman
Websites & Hosting

Mark Chapman
Landlord/Tenant Attorney

Meghan MacAvery
Tax Advisor

Richard Bayer
Business Law

Richard Bloom
Financial Advisor

Ruth Baumann
Promotional Products

Scott Bernstein
Health Insurance

Sebastian Adamo
Lighting Design

Thomas Tsitouridis
General Contractor

Tonja Adair

Our Members

Akiva Cohen

Andrew Yacyshyn
Employment/Labor Law

Avi Ashkenazy
Life and Disability Insurance

Berto Antuñano
Title Services

Bradley Ziegler
Property & Casualty Insurance

Carson Alexander
Residential Real Estate Brooklyn

Charles Ruffin
Commercial Mortgages

Christopher Clark
Estate Planning Law

David Wald
Residential Mortgages

Deanna Huaman
Public Adjuster

Donald Wall
Family Law

Gary Cohen
Fine Jewelry

Greg Cohen
Residential Real Estate Manhattan

Howard Glick
Residential Real Estate Queens

Jarad Siegel
Personal Injury Law

Jesse Gartman
Moving Company

Jim Levine
IT & Networks

Joan Pelzer
Non-Profit Organizations

Jose Abreu
Cleaning Service

Justin Waiser
Real Estate Law

Licelle Cobrador
Immigration Attorney

Marc Silverman
Websites & Hosting

Mark Chapman
Landlord/Tenant Attorney

Meghan MacAvery
Tax Advisor

Richard Bayer
Business Law

Richard Bloom
Financial Advisor

Ruth Baumann
Promotional Products

Scott Bernstein
Health Insurance

Sebastian Adamo
Lighting Design

Thomas Tsitouridis
General Contractor

Tonja Adair

Leadership Team

Carson Alexander

Vice President
Marc Silverman

Secretary / Treasurer
Deanna Huaman

Membership Committee
David Wald
Gary Cohen
Howard Glick
Justin Waiser

Visitor Host
Akiva Cohen

Visitor Orientation
Mark Chapman

Education Coordinator
Donald Wall

Mentor Coordinator
Gary Cohen

Growth Coordinator
Andrew Yacyshyn

Events Coordinator
Ruth Baumann

Social Media Coordinator
Joan Pelzer

Zoom Slides Manager
Tonja Adair

Website Manager
Marc Silverman